ASK US HOW acupuncture can help with Spring Detox

Goal: Spring Cleanse and Detox
Who should do it: Anyone
Why do it:
Spring is upon us! While getting ready for warmer weather, remember that spring, with it's annual miracle of rebirth, is the ideal time to renew and rejuvenate your overall health and well-being.
Everyday through the food we eat, water we drink, air we breathe, and medication we take, toxins start to build up in our body. Even through things we touch, bacteria and viruses enter our body and can wreak havoc when our immune system is weak.
In Chinese medicine, spring is a good time to regenerate and rebuild our body's own defense mechanism.
Through a proper cleanse and detox, your immune system can be re-aligned and strengthened.
How can New Concept Wellness help?
We believe, based on Chinese medicine, that a strong immune system is our first and best defense to fight off many illnesses. Working on various meridian systems, we will help your body cleanse and strengthen at the same time.
Acupuncture and Nutritional Immunology supplements are the tools we use to re-balance and reduce toxic load.
A recommended combination of cleansing teas will internally reduce toxins from preservatives, pesticides, chemicals, and heavy metals.
We will also suggest diet and life style adjustments, exercise, and other stress management strategies based on each individual’s needs.